#27a Wilde Hello Again

To all of you who have joined me on my journey……. Hello again;)  I have missed writing and missed hearing from all of you who are so gracious to comment.  I am encouraged by what you say and the questions that you ask, please don’t be shy….ever……and  feel free to ask or share anything!!! This past year has been a whirl wind to say the least, in both good ways and “growth” ways…..hahahaha

As I opened my laptop to write again today I was surprised to see a “blog post” that I had written almost a year ago and forgotten to post.  I have posted it directly following this one and, funny enough, I just happen to be on a plane, over the pacific ocean, again……heading toward Oahu, this time, instead of away from the islands. 

Once again Ash is working in the islands, this time on a TV series, not a movie so our time on the island will be sporadic at best and not as long as a location job, but still every bit as appreciated and enjoyed!  We miss our Hawaii o’hana more then we can stand at times and often wonder if leaving was the right decision. What would our life look like now if we had not moved to LA 4 years ago? How would we be different, or the same?  I love knowing that no matter the road we choose, the Lord meets us on it, to walk along it with us. 

Published by wildeivy

I am a 43 year old wilde mama of 4. I am a wife, a widow, a daughter, a sister, and a homeschool teacher! I love hot coffee every morning and a clean house! I love people, all people! I love the diversity in the stories of our lives and that we can always glean knowledge from one another! I love to share, talk, listen, and learn.