Wilde Words

I wasn’t going to post this picture.  I don’t like the way I look in it.  But I woke up this morning wondering things about myself that got me thinking.   I started to ask myself why I didn’t like this photo……I am old……my skin is too loose……I look silly….. in the midst of these thoughts I heard a voice inside my head, quietly ask me,…”who told you these things about yourself?”.  And I realized that somewhere along the way I started to believe someones words about me that were untrue and I believed them.  

This past year I have felt alone, ugly, worthless, without value, forgotten, no purpose, no future, not worth listening to, too old, and so many more destructive thoughts toward myself……and I began to believe them as truth, as my identity.  How did this happen?  How does this happen when most of your life you feel pretty confident and secure, strong and independent???  I began to believe words that were untrue because I listened to and believed the one who spoke them and stopped listening to Gods Truth about who I am.

Words are powerful….  As we move through our life, from the time that we begin to understand language, we being to piece together our identity by assessing the words people use to describe us and placing value on those words.  For instance, if you have parents that have told you from the time that you are little that you are valuable, perfectly made with purpose, smart, driven, kind, etc. You begin to believe those words and those words help shape how you see yourself.  You then, in turn feel valuable, you treat others with kindness, you strive to reach goals….etc….However, on the other side of that same coin, if you have been told that you won’t amount to anything, that you really aren’t that great, all you do is make mistakes and disappoint……..those words, also, help shape your identity, they become the very thing that you begin to believe you are…..a disappointment, unable to achieve big things, not worthy of goodness……. etc

The power of the spoken word is profound and limitless.  

We can be emotionally healthy, driven adults, with the world in our hands and when someone, whom we trust and love, tells us that we are not enough, that we have no value….. all of the sudden that confidence we once had, that belief that we have value and are worth being treated kindly begins to weaken and shake…….we begin to believe the negative words and forgt truth.  Even if we were secure in our identity prior to the hurtful words,  they hit, and we begin to adjust how we now view ourselves.  

Let me tell you something……..WORDS ARE LIKE LOADED GUNS…….. we should have laws protecting us against people who wield them.   How funny would that be……a “license” to speak……hahahah

Anyone can speak into you, anyone can use words for, or against you, but YOU give power to those words in how you choose to receive them.  JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT YOU DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE.  As I write this, please know that this is me trying to figure this out along with you…….I don’t know why or when I started to doubt myself.  When did I begin to believe that I wasn’t good enough, fun enough, young enough???  When did I start allowing someone else to tell me who I was??  

Even the people you love and trust will say words to you that are not true about who you are.  Sometimes those are the hardest words to wade through because they are weighted.  

Maybe today you find yourself living the life of someone else…..you look in the mirror when you wake up and ask the face looking back at you, “who are you?”  “How did I become this person, living this life, allowing these things to go on”?  Maybe its time you reevaluate who you are listening to.  Reevaluate who you allow to speak into you.  Reevaluate who you share what precious little time we have on this planet with. Let me be the first to spit some truth your way today……

 NO MATTER what you have done, You have value, you have the beautiful ability to choose who you will be and how you will change your life starting today.  You are worthy of friendship, of love, of kind words, of a future, and so much more.  You have a Father in Heaven who ADORES you AS YOU ARE right now!!!! He sees ALL your ugly and he still thinks you are perfect and beautiful.  He will tell you who you really are, He will tell you how much value you possess, He will hold your head up high, and show you off.   Your Father only speaks truth, never wounds with words, never leaves you alone or forgotten, He values you, loves you, holds you, and gives you the ability to start again.  Find your true identity in Him the One who knit you together in your mothers womb, Him who had a specific plan for your life before you began living it, Him who will help you begin again if you are off track, Him who sees you and says “my beautiful child you are priceless and chosen and worth it”!

Don’t take my word for it……….Ask Him who made you and only speaks truth………

Published by wildeivy

I am a 43 year old wilde mama of 4. I am a wife, a widow, a daughter, a sister, and a homeschool teacher! I love hot coffee every morning and a clean house! I love people, all people! I love the diversity in the stories of our lives and that we can always glean knowledge from one another! I love to share, talk, listen, and learn.

3 thoughts on “Wilde Words

  1. Ivy that is an amazing entry! So true for so many of us. You are beautiful, worthy, valuable and I love you!!

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