Wilde Valentine

Don’t ever believe the lie that God doesn’t see you! And don’t ever believe that your children are not watching and internalizing how you navigate the storms of your life, your heartaches, your disappointments, your unexpected “circumstances”. What you do matters, and how you react affects your kids even if they pretend to be smarter than you most of the time 😉 and not “care” about your life. Your kids are watching and learning. They are either learning how to be kind and “others-minded”, forgiving and full of grace, maintaining a soft heart, or how to defend their position, build walls, be untrusting and cynical, harden their hearts, and shut people out.

Disappointments are hard, and heartache is, at some moments, unbearable, but being a mom trumps it all! Being able to look beyond myself into my children’s eyes and, not only desire but fight for their best, for their future, takes the sting out of my own hurt

Today was a great day. I went for a long run, it rained off and on all day…kind of like the “rains” in life that come and go. If you find yourself in a moment of “downpour”, and you are feeling cold and alone, caught out in the freezing rain with no coat….know this……. rain washes……. rain brings new growth……rain ushers in the sun. Hang on, keep fighting, and keep enduring, this will pass and as you endure you become wiser, stronger, and closer to the blessing that is coming. You are seen, you are well-loved, and you are never left alone, or left out in the rain too long. God sees and God knows!

Happiest of Valentine’s Days to you all!!!!

“You are the God who sees me… (Genesis 16:13).

The best Valentine I could ever receive…..

Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love…….”

Published by wildeivy

I am a 43 year old wilde mama of 4. I am a wife, a widow, a daughter, a sister, and a homeschool teacher! I love hot coffee every morning and a clean house! I love people, all people! I love the diversity in the stories of our lives and that we can always glean knowledge from one another! I love to share, talk, listen, and learn.