Wilde New

In a time of frustration, confusion, fear, and sadness, I wanted to share a little joy. A small reminder of the miracle of this life, and the profound contentment and joy that can be found when you choose LOVE. In a time of mass division, a reminder of the power of unity, the power of togetherness, the power of family.

These three beautiful humans with me in this photo are my second, and sweetest daughter, “Grace”, my incredible husband, “Ash”, and my newest most precious gift, “Sam”, my daughters firstborn son. Sam was born last month in, what is going to be, a most historic year. He was born in a year of fear, unrest, division, and contradiction. He has been a beautiful reminder to me that when the world feels like it is falling apart, when relationships all around me are dissolving, due to differing opinions…..God is still in the business of creating beauty and unity.

We need one another. We need the support and kindness, the nearness and connection of others to smooth out our rough sided feelings and fears. We need our family to remind us that though we might think differently, we are still together in loving each other and our growing familial unit. A reminder that it is our textural and colorful differences that make the human race so beautiful and complex.

Sam if a perfect example of how something new and beautiful, undefiled and unaffected by fear and anger,…..can be born into a world of chaos and unrest and still find comfort and peace in the arms of his mother.

Can I encourage you today to take a moment to look around you discover the beauty that is still all around you. Take a moment to call someone, just to tell them that you love them. Lay your weapons down for a moment today to find peace with another….

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God

Published by wildeivy

I am a 43 year old wilde mama of 4. I am a wife, a widow, a daughter, a sister, and a homeschool teacher! I love hot coffee every morning and a clean house! I love people, all people! I love the diversity in the stories of our lives and that we can always glean knowledge from one another! I love to share, talk, listen, and learn.

4 thoughts on “Wilde New

    1. My beautiful sweet friend!!!!! How are you? I have so much to tell you my friend and I wish we lived closer!!! Ash and I and Rian are moving back to Oahu. We sold our house in CA so fast it made our heads spin! We are ready to slow down a bit and reconnect with our close friends. What is new with you and the family?

  1. Beautifuly written Ivy! Miss you all and look forward to a time when we can get together . Lots of love 💜💜

    1. HI Mary!
      How are all of you doing through this wild time? I am reminded of how important family is and how often we should be reminding each other how much we love them!! Ash and I and Rian are doing really well, we sold our home in California after just 2 hours!!! We are moving back to Oahu. I will be in Bend visiting Gracie and the baby next week before flying back to HI. I would love to see you and catch up!
      I love you Mary and I love your comments!!! Your words mean the world to me!

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